A Guide to Buying iPad Insurance

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The trouble with purchasing iPad insurance is that people put off arranging it. After all, if you are an optimist, you probably do not want to think about bad things happening to your possessions.

But being an optimist is no defense against accidents and the criminal behavior of others. If you add up the potential cost of replacing your valuable possessions, you may find that insuring them might be the responsible thing to do.

If you have an iPad, the chances are that you use it all the time. Perhaps you may not even realize how much you have come to rely on the gadget. Without iPad insurance, you would face the prospect of paying for a replacement yourself if it was stolen, or going without one (subject to meeting the terms and conditions of the policy to make a successful claim).

Risks that insurance may cover

The list of risks that iPad cover providers may typically cover read like an iPad owner's nightmare. Nevertheless, it may be worth checking that any policy you are considering covers:
- theft;
- accidental damage;
- breakdown (outside of the manufacturer's warranty period); and
- data backup.

Looking at the list alone may not be enough. Instead, look further into the policy's details to understand what the product does and does not cover. For instance, does the policy cover accidental damage even if the accident involved liquids? Some insurers specifically exclude this, so pay attention if you are a regular iPad user in bars and cafes!
Also, your insurer may also impose various limitations, exclusions and conditions on your iPad insurance. For instance, you may find that the policy only pays out for the theft of an iPad from a vehicle if the gadget had been securely stowed in the boot. Further, there may be a limit on the age of the gadgets that can be insured on the iPad policy.

What about the price?

You may think that looking at the price may be the simplest issue of them all to take into account. But you may wish to consider looking past any annual premium that is quoted to you to consider:

- whether the payments can be spread monthly. Depending on your circumstances, you may wish to consider this from a cash flow perspective;
- whether the insurer offers a free month's cover at the start of the policy;
- whether any additional gadget insurance may be available; and
- what the excess that you would need to pay out on any successful claim is.

Depending on how often you use your iPad, you may also wish to bear in mind the length of time different insurers take to provide a replacement if yours is stolen or damaged. iPad insurance providers may vary on this point, buy some may typically deliver a new phone to you within 48 hours of making a successful claim.


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