Movie Synopsis: Based on the remarkable true story, "Secretariat" chronicles the spectacular journey of the 1973 Triple Crown winner. Housewife and mother Penny Chenery (Diane Lane) agrees to take over her ailing father’s Virginia-based Meadow Stables, despite her lack of horse-racing knowledge. Against all odds, Chenery—with the help of veteran trainer Lucien Laurin (John Malkovich)—manages to navigate the male-dominated business, ultimately fostering the first Triple Crown winner in 25 years and what may be the greatest racehorse of all time.
Secretariat Cast List
Diane Lane - 'Penny Chenery'
John Malkovich - 'Lucien Laurin'
Dylan Walsh
Scott Glenn
Dylan Baker
Margo Martindale
Nelsan Ellis
Otto Thorwarth
Fred Thompson
AJ Michalka
Kevin Connolly
Eric Lange
James Cromwell
John Malkovich - 'Lucien Laurin'
Dylan Walsh
Scott Glenn
Dylan Baker
Margo Martindale
Nelsan Ellis
Otto Thorwarth
Fred Thompson
AJ Michalka
Kevin Connolly
Eric Lange
James Cromwell
Crew List
Directed By: Randall Wallace
Screenplay By: Mike Rich
Based on the Book: Secretariat: The Making of a Champion by William Nack
Producers: Mark Ciardi and Gordon Gray
Executive Producers: William Johnson and Mike Rich
Screenplay By: Mike Rich
Based on the Book: Secretariat: The Making of a Champion by William Nack
Producers: Mark Ciardi and Gordon Gray
Executive Producers: William Johnson and Mike Rich
Theatrical Release Date: October 8, 2010
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: PG for brief mild language
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
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