Back Workouts

Monday, August 2, 2010

Our back provides us with the support we need for our body's head and trunk. We also get flexibility and can move around due to our back muscles. We have upper back and lower back muscles to help us in all the daily activities like lifting things, playing, cooking, walking, working, etc. Hence, it is of vital importance that we keep our backs in good shape to enable us to work properly. The best way for the back to perform its functions smoothly everyday without causing us any pain, is to work the muscles. This article will provide you with some back workouts that you can perform everyday to ensure that you do not suffer from back pain and go on with your daily tasks without any interruptions.

There are three major muscle groups that are present in your back. Your upper back is made up of the trapezius muscles, the mid back consists of latissimus dorsi muscles (lats) and you have the erector spinae muscles in the lower back. All these muscles play a vital role in letting you carry on with your chores daily. It is therefore essential that you do back exercises to strengthen these muscles. Following back workouts should help you take care of these back muscles.

Back Workouts for Lower Back

Before starting with some back workout exercises, you need to understand an important aspect of exercises; it is vital that exercises are performed in the correct way so that you derive maximum benefit from the exercise. If the exercise posture is wrong, you will end up in pain and may also damage your muscles. Establish a good back workout routine and stick to it. The following lower back exercises will help you.

Exercise #1
Lie down on your back, keeping your legs straight on the ground. With the help of your abdominal and hip muscles, lift your legs straight high up in the air. Hold for a few seconds. Lower them down but don't touch them to the ground. This is a good for middle back stretches, so repeat this exercise for 2 sets of 10 repetitions each. This is one of the best back workouts for women.

Exercise #2
Lie straight on your back. Lift your head and shoulders using the abdominal muscles. Pull one knee towards your chest and wrap your arms around it to provide support. Lift the other leg to a 45 degree angle. Breath deeply flattening the abdomen and then switch your legs. Start with 10 repetitions of this exercise graduating to 20 after a few days. This is also another one of the back exercises for women which can work wonders in reducing the pain in the back.

Exercise #3
Position yourself on a hyperextension bench, keeping your feet under the rear pads, for a grip. Bend at your waist till your body and the floor are perpendicular to each other. Raise your body slowly and bring it parallel to the floor. This exercise can also be performed on an exercise ball.

Exercise #4
Stand erect with a barbell on the ground in front of you. Keep some distance between your feet. Grasp the barbell by bending your knees. Stand up holding the bar close to your body, while keeping your head and your back, straight.

Back Workouts for Middle Back

Like your lower back, your middle back also needs a proper workout. Following are some of the middle back exercises for your benefit.

Exercise #1
You will need a flat bench and a dumbbell for this exercise. With your right feet on the floor, keep your left knee and left hand on the bench, keeping your back straight and parallel to the floor. Place a dumbbell in your right hand and lift it up or row it towards your chest. Go back to the start position and repeat. This is a good back workout with dumbbells that can be done regularly.

Exercise #2
Stand with your hands on your hips and with a shoulder width distance between your feet. Twist from your waist to your left side, till you feel your muscles stretch. Hold the position for about 20 seconds. Come back to the normal position and twist to your right. Don't put a lot of pressure on your back while doing this exercise. This is again a good back workout for women, so do it regularly.

Exercise #3
Lie down with your chest on the pad of a T-Bar row machine, unlocking the t-bar. Hold up your head and stretch your shoulders back. Hold both the t-bars in your hands in an overhand grip. Lift the t-bar (or row it) up to your stomach area. Release the position slowly, going back to the start position. Don't forget to keep your back in a firm position to avoid injury.

Exercise #4
Another one of the back exercises for men, this exercise will help men built the back muscles. Hold a handle attachment of a low pulley cable. Keep a distance of shoulder width between your feet, before starting this exercise. Pull the cable with your hands bringing your elbows to the shoulder level. Hold for a moment before returning to the starting position. Repeat for maximum benefit.

Back Workouts for Upper Back

We have exercise both, the lower back and the middle back. So, why keep the the fat in your upper back as it is. Here are some upper back workouts to help you keep your back in shape.

Exercise #1
Stand behind a pulldown machine with your arms completely extended. Hold the pulldown bar in both your hands and lower the bar to touch your thighs. Don't bend your arms at all in this exercise. Return the bar to its normal position and do it again for a wide back.

Exercise #2
This is one of the best back workouts for men. Position a V bar on a pullup bar in such a way that the handles hang over the sides. Hold these handles with your hands and pull up your body. Try to touch your chest to the pullup bar. Come down to your start position and repeat this back workout.

Exercise #3
You will need an exercise band and a stationary object which is at stomach level in order to do this exercise. Pass the exercise band through the stationary object and hold it in both the hands while keeping your elbows close to your body. Squat down bending your knees and slowly pull the band close to your body. If you want to intensify it, you can stand further back to perform this exercise. Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions each of these best back workouts. Take precaution while choosing the stationary object, it should not tear the band.

Exercise #4
Sit down on a lat pulldown machine with a wide distance between your shoulders. Catch the bar with an underhand grip. Pull down the bar straight till the middle of your chest. Slowly take the bar up in its former position and repeat the exercise. You can do 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

A good combination of the above exercises can make a schedule for back workout at home to cut off the flab and have a lean back. Now that you have read the article, the next step is to perform these back workouts on a regular basis. Combine these with various other cardio exercises and come up with your own best back workouts. Tone up those muscles, get rid of the fat and free yourself from the back pain.


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