Movie Synopsis: It has taken 10 years, two little Fockers with wife Pam (Teri Polo) and countless hurdles for Greg to finally get “in” with his tightly wound father-in-law, Jack. After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, however, Jack’s suspicions about his favorite male nurse come roaring back. When Greg and Pam’s entire clan—including Pam’s lovelorn ex, Kevin (Owen Wilson)—descends for the twins’ birthday party, Greg must prove to the skeptical Jack that he’s fully capable as the man of the house. But with all the misunderstandings, spying and covert missions, will Greg pass Jack’s final test and become the family’s next patriarch…or will the circle of trust be broken for good?
Little Fockers Cast List
Ben Stiller - 'Greg Focker'
Robert De Niro - 'Jack Byrnes'
Teri Polo - 'Pamela Byrnes-Focker'
Owen Wilson - 'Kevin Rawley'
Dustin Hoffman - 'Bernie Focker'
Barbra Streisand - 'Rozalin Focker'
Blythe Danner - 'Dina Byrnes'
Jessica Alba
Robert De Niro - 'Jack Byrnes'
Teri Polo - 'Pamela Byrnes-Focker'
Owen Wilson - 'Kevin Rawley'
Dustin Hoffman - 'Bernie Focker'
Barbra Streisand - 'Rozalin Focker'
Blythe Danner - 'Dina Byrnes'
Jessica Alba
Crew List
Directed By: Paul Weitz
Written By: John Hamburg and Larry Stuckey
Based on Characters Created By: Greg Glienna and Mary Ruth Clarke
Producers: Jane Rosenthal, Robert De Niro, Jay Roach, and John Hamburg
Executive Producers: Daniel Lupi, Meghan Lyvers, Andrew Miano, Nancy Tenenbaum, and Ryan Kavanaugh
Written By: John Hamburg and Larry Stuckey
Based on Characters Created By: Greg Glienna and Mary Ruth Clarke
Producers: Jane Rosenthal, Robert De Niro, Jay Roach, and John Hamburg
Executive Producers: Daniel Lupi, Meghan Lyvers, Andrew Miano, Nancy Tenenbaum, and Ryan Kavanaugh
Theatrical Release Date: December 22, 2010
Genres: Comedy
MPAA Rating: Not yet rated
Studio: Universal Pictures
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