Synopsis: Throughout history, tales of chivalry have burnished the legends of brave, handsome knights who rescue fair damsels, slay dragons and conquer evil. But behind many a hero is a good-for-nothing younger brother trying just to stay out of the way of those dragons, evil and trouble in general. Danny McBride and James Franco team up for comedy adventure set in a fantastical world-Your Highness. As two princes on a daring mission to save their land, they must rescue the heir apparent's fiancée before their kingdom is destroyed.
Your Highness Cast List
Danny McBride - 'Thadeous'
Natalie Portman - 'Isabel'
James Franco - 'Fabious'
Zooey Deschanel - 'Belladonna'
Justin Theroux - 'Leezar'
Toby Jones
Natalie Portman - 'Isabel'
James Franco - 'Fabious'
Zooey Deschanel - 'Belladonna'
Justin Theroux - 'Leezar'
Toby Jones
Crew List
Directed By: David Gordon Green
Screenplay By: Danny McBride and Ben Best
Producer: Scott Stuber
Executive Producers: Andy Davis, Mark Huffam, Jon Mone, and Danny McBride
Screenplay By: Danny McBride and Ben Best
Producer: Scott Stuber
Executive Producers: Andy Davis, Mark Huffam, Jon Mone, and Danny McBride
Genre: Comedy adventure
Theatrical Release Date: April 8, 2011
MPAA Rating: R for strong crude and sexual content, pervasive language, nudity, violence and some drug use
Studio: Universal Pictures
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