Movie Synopsis: 12 year old Owen is viciously bullied by his classmates and neglected by his divorcing parents. Achingly lonely, Owen spends his days plotting revenge on his middle school tormentors and his evenings spying on the other inhabitants of his apartment complex. His only friend is his new neighbor Abby, an eerily self-possessed young girl who lives next door with her silent father. A frail, troubled child about Owens’ age, Abby emerges from her heavily curtained apartment only at night and always barefoot, seemingly immune to the bitter winter elements. Recognizing a fellow outcast, Owen opens up to her and before long, the two have formed a unique bond.
When a string of grisly murders puts the town on high alert, Abby’s father disappears, and the terrified girl is left to fend for herself. Still, she repeatedly rebuffs Owen’s efforts to help her and her increasingly bizarre behavior leads the imaginative Owen to suspect she’s hiding an unthinkable secret.
When a string of grisly murders puts the town on high alert, Abby’s father disappears, and the terrified girl is left to fend for herself. Still, she repeatedly rebuffs Owen’s efforts to help her and her increasingly bizarre behavior leads the imaginative Owen to suspect she’s hiding an unthinkable secret.
Let Me In Cast List
Chloe Moretz - 'Abby'
Kodi Smit-McPhee - 'Owen'
Richard Jenkins
Kodi Smit-McPhee - 'Owen'
Richard Jenkins
Crew List
Directed By: Matt Reeves
Screenplay By: Matt Reeves
Producers: Donna Gigliotti, Simon Oakes, Nigel Sinclair, Guy East, John Nordling, and Carl Molinder
Executive Producers: Alex Brunner, Tobin Armbrust, John Ptak, Philip Elway, Fredrik Malmberg, and Vicki Dee Rock
Screenplay By: Matt Reeves
Producers: Donna Gigliotti, Simon Oakes, Nigel Sinclair, Guy East, John Nordling, and Carl Molinder
Executive Producers: Alex Brunner, Tobin Armbrust, John Ptak, Philip Elway, Fredrik Malmberg, and Vicki Dee Rock
Genre: Horror
Theatrical Release Date: October 1, 2010
MPAA Rating: Not yet rated
Studio: Overture Films
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