The Most Fatal Seo Mistake

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Link building is a critical component in seo as search engines, and that's why so many marketers will go through all sorts of troubles to try and collect as many of these gems as possible.

However, with this came the spamming issues. Many marketers developed software programs that can mass spam various networks in an attempt to try and inflate the links that their website has.

So, for a quality insurance measure, Google patented a little nifty device called the "no follow attribute." What this tells search engines is to ignore ANY link to a site that contains this little snippet of code.

So, in an attempt to get by this, some marketers only collect links from sites that contain the "do follow attribute" because these are links that the Googlebot do follow. This seems like a logical seo strategy right? Umm... No.

The goal of seo is to get first page rankings for quality keywords. However, when you are throwing away links from no follow websites, then you are also throwing away a lot of potential website visitors.

The problem with this is that when you throw away website visitors, you are also throwing away your chances to get additional links from auxiliary sources. For example, let's say that an individual from a no follow network stumbles across your website.

They may like the content that they see and they may:

* Email/im the content to their friends.
* Post the content on additional forums or message boards.
* Blog about the article with a link back to your website.
* Share the content on social networking/bookmarking platforms.

So, by refusing to collect no-follow links is not a resourceful marketing strategy. You should take advantage of ALL marketing options that are available because it very well can help you get closer to the goals you are trying to obtain.

In the Magic Seo Book I uncover unique, innovative onsite optimization techniques that you can use to super charge the website traffic to your website.


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