Practical uses of the Doppler Effect

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The Doppler effect reveals imperialistically that our electromagnetic spectrum is a frequency band range of materiality - within our reality.

So this constructive idea points to a conclusion that any electromagnetic oscillation (photon) that was generated from a natural source would have a speed limit of 186,000 miles per second within that band range. In order to go faster one would need to be in the greater universe we are involved within as an electron earth by his formula C2.

You see the space required for a photon to travel at the velocity of 186.000 miles per second squared does not exist within an atom clearly to square its velocity puts it beyond science fiction in my perception - realistically as well as relativistically. Concerning the atomic realm.

Although two photons in our space travelling (positive) toward each other would be travelling 2 X 186,000 miles per second they would be lines of force in relation to each other - that would be just space. The nature of our gravities source. The problem here is that gravity i.e. its field that I refer to as pressure goes right through matter and ignores all other electromagnetic wave forms that aren't true to the velocity and sign wave of its natures propagation.

It has come to be my understanding that gravity (its energy) has the capacity to become any and all material states be them energy or matter. Just as electricity changes within a transformer from high to low energy (voltage) by interaction. Matter can be created within the machine of our natures heavenly mechanisms a sun an earth. Gravity creates new states of itself (energy) by interacting with itself (in time with)and / or within the structure of matter.

The force we feel and relate to as weight is the perpetual exhaust of the fractions of energy (states) that don't remain as part of any material (matter) during that process. This is the heat or essence.

Look to the sun for evidence of greater magnitude - its exhaust is the solar wind - propelling photons away from itself - as the emitter of the energy [perpetually] fed into it by gravity. Space is the path of least resistance.
The photons released are created by the atoms that I believe were created within the enormous mass of the sun. As they come to the surface they react to the availability of space and that allows the electrons to fall to lower states of energy. This creates electromagnetic waves that are transferred into the fabric of space (photons).


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