It’s not hard to find yourself a gadget to purify the air, however, this one won’t take up any floor or table space like many others. This one hangs directly from your ceiling, just like your average ceiling fan. It just happens to keep the fan blades enclosed. That also means that you won’t accidentally bang your knuckles on the fan when you happen to be stretching just underneath the fan.
The filtering system that consists of 5 stages, circulates over 2,000 cubic feet of air every minute. The Purifan will work great for nursing homes or anywhere else that is in dire need of some clean air. Then of course, it would also work just fine to make sure the air in your home stays nice and clean. The filters come in 2 different forms, one for normal air ($42.50) and one for smoky situations ($52.50). The fan itself is pretty expensive, it’ll cost you $399.95.
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