"Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" (2011)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Movie Synopsis: Emerging from a lengthy prison stint, Gordon Gekko finds himself on the outside of a world he once dominated. Looking to repair his damaged relationship with his daughter Winnie, Gekko forms an alliance with her fiance, Jacob. But can Jacob and Winnie really trust the ex-financial titan whose relentless efforts to redefine himself in a different era have unexpected consequences.

Oliver Stone and Michael Douglas are back together working on Wall Street 2, the sequel to the 1987 which earned Douglas his first and only acting Oscar. 20th Century Fox announced that filming just got underway in New York City, with the studio aiming for an April 23, 2010 release.

Joining Douglas for more high finance shenanigans are Shia LaBeouf as a young investment banker, Josh Brolin as a ruthless Wall Street kingpin, Frank Langella as LaBeouf's boss, Carey Mulligan as LaBeouf's fiancee and Douglas' estranged daughter, and Susan Sarandon as LaBeouf's mother.

Wall Street 2 Official Synopsis:
Douglas is back as Gordon Gekko, whose iconic “Greed is good” mantra and daring corporate raids made him a rock star of financial titans. Emerging from a lengthy prison stint, Gekko finds himself on the outside of a world he once dominated. He now has to play catch-up and redefine himself in a different era. He has to become relevant again. But a young, idealistic investment banker (LaBeouf) learns the hard way that Gekko is still a master manipulator – and if there’s one place where you can redefine yourself, one place where your relevance is a deal away, it’s Wall Street.


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