Sunlight and the human body

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Imagine you are like a tree, and any hairs on your human body are the leaves. These leaves act as receptors with absorb into their shafts, right through to the roots within our human tissues, and even deeper into our bodies. Just as a tree's roots has need of water, this Solar Light Energy comes into play also with our body's water: Our Body is of this Solar System in which we live. All Energy has a Negative and a Positive Pole, just as this Solar Energy was never intended to be used by the Human Body to be an abuser of it's Light. Animal and Insect Life are wiser than this! Others use the Polarized Solar Light Energy, via the Moon.

A simple way of looking at it from the angle of the hair, is to consider (without the complexities of all the chemistry and their links,) just the Light found in Electricity, and the expression of "our hair stood on end!" says it all. It cannot, without nerve endings or muscular movement. Hair follicles reach both, so just see the shaft as an Electrical Conductor of this Solar Energy of a Solar Battery, mentioned later. Have you witnessed an Electrical Charge from your hair and body?

We take in and absorb the Sun's Light, which acts as the Photosynthetic Effect for the Body Cells. As it does with the tree, this Solar Light feeds the body. This effect of our Biological Body is overlooked, thinking only of Plant Life, when it comes to the Photosynthesis of the Sun's Light . But all Living Cells gain Energy from this to produce what we call sugar (Glucose), and it is through this Cellular Respiration Conversion, the energy or fuel is converted from the usable Solar Energy into Chemical Energy. Even the Keratin proteins in Hair, have a roll in Cell Energies. Despite our humanness, we are Chemical Factories. The saying is used, "I feel alive again," after the use of the Sun's Light in a body.

How often too is the saying heard, "I feel it in my bones." The vital Vitamin D for our bones needs Calcium to help it absorb it. Calcium, broadly speaking, is mostly the body's bones! One thing triggers another. We relate to all the benefits which in turn become Vitamins, Minerals, Chemicals, in relation to the Sun. Vitamin D, continues into a whole Chain Reaction of these; just to mention A,C,E, and many more. Then onto the Melanin, the pigmentation of skin and hair color, which is equally linked, as even the Solar Energies reach into the Earth where the Carotene is to carrot's Chemical Color. Everything is linked in Life as we


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