Ab Machines that Work

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Most of us are obsessed with flat, six pack abs, which the celebrities flaunt proudly. People go to extreme lengths to achieve such great bodies. From rigorous workouts in the gym to following crash diets, they leave no stone unturned in their attempt to get flat tummy. However, more often than not, the results are not satisfactory. Reason? People never take into consideration their body type, age and the correct exercise that might help them. Following a celebrity diet or work out regimen does not assure that you can achieve a great body like them. You will find a range of ab machines in the market and all of them claim six pack abs in 2 weeks. You obviously need not be a rocket scientist to tell that most of these machines do not work. So, do ab machines that really work exist? If yes, which are these ab machines that work? Let us find out.

Do Ab Machines Work

You must be aware that crunches and sit ups are the two best exercises for abs. However, most people find them extremely uncomfortable and boring. If you find something very boring, you are least likely to do it, no matter how inexpensive it is. In that case, you can say that ab machines do work, as they force you to stick to your workout regimen. If you have invested money in an expensive exercise equipment, you are more likely to put it to some good use. Hence, the ab machine will definitely help you to work out your stomach muscles.

If you wish to use these machines in order to get six pack abs or a washboard flat tummy, then your chances of meeting with disappointment are quite high. These ab machines do little to take the fat off your stomach. All they can do is tighten your muscles and tone them. Hence, you will end up getting toned muscles under the layers of fat, which nobody will be able to see! You sure wouldn't want to go for such a machine.

Another problem with some ab machines is that they work on the principle of spot reduction. This is an outdated principle which does little to get rid of those not-so-lovely love handles and flabby stomach. Working out only a part of body may make it stronger and toned, but you will never achieve those dream six pack abs with such machines. In order to get super flat stomach you need a right combination of abs diet, cardio exercises and ab workout. In short, if you only want to tone your ab muscles you sure can go ahead with these machines. However, flat tummy can only be achieved by diet, cardio along with abdominal exercise.

Ab Machines that Work

As mentioned before, ab machines can really motivate you to workout. If you are a person who simply hates doing crunches and sit ups, we recommend that you go for any of the ab machines given below. Because some exercise is better than no exercise at all!

Swiss ball
Swiss ball is one of the cheapest yet effective ab machines that work. It helps to work out the core muscles of the midsection, which enables people to balance their bodies. It also improves posture and eventually results in a flat stomach. In short, it is an improvised version of crunches, hence is bound to work.

Ab Lounger
Ab lounger is a chair like ab machine with adjustable handles and foot straps. One moves the handles and the straps to workout abdominal muscles as well as thighs.

Ab Wheel
Ab wheel is one of the conventional ab machines in form of a wheel with handles. The user rolls the wheel back and forth to workout the muscles of stomach, shoulders, arms back etc.

Exercise Chair
This machine is in form of a small bench with padded cushion. The user sits on it and then swings his legs from side to side in order to workout the internal and external obliques as well as upper and lower abs.

Abdominal Bench
This machine allows the user to perform abdominal exercises at home in a more comfortable way, than on floor. It comes with adjustable foot grips that allow you to workout the muscles on back and stomach.

These were some ab machines that work for stomach muscles. However, to achieve maximum health and fitness, make relevant changes to your diet and overall lifestyle.


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