What is the Best Ab Exercise to Lose Belly Fat?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The answer is a great big NONE!

Ab exercises alone do not increase your metabolism enough to cut your tummy fat.

There is no "miracle abdominal" exercise or apparatus that will do this for you. {Stop looking for the easy way out.}

Quit focusing your time and energy on Ab exercises, and machines that just won’t work to flatten your tummy, and get those 6 pack Abs that you want. You are just squandering time and energy. Instead concentrate on performing the correct workout, which will really burn your body fat. Here is the secret. Use resistive training for a complete body workout. Up the effort you put into your work outs, and take short rests between sets.

Here are several frequent mistakes that people make every day:

Doing repetitive Ab specific exercises, such as crunches, and sit-ups, are a misuse of time and effort. There are other exercises that are much more efficient, to increase metabolism, and improve hormone levels. {These are not work outs that target your abdominal muscles.} Stunned?

Another big misuse of time and effort is doing hours of boring cardio routines. Most folks are not performing the right types of cardio exercises. This may really drop the metabolism!

Folks make the mistake of following the latest fad diets. Stay away from gimmicky diet fads. Low carb and low fat diets can actually work against your body. Realize that there is no ‘miracle’ pill or diet that will help you lose the fat you want, and keep it off. You need to consume a healthy, balanced diet that is not too limiting. It is easier than you think to drop weight, when you can enjoy what you eat.

Acknowledge that your Abs will continue to be covered in fat, if you are eating a diet full of junk. Nutrition is without a doubt one of the best ways to get six pack Abs!

You want to maximize your workouts by performing full body exercises (like lunges and squats), which increase your metabolism and stabilize your hormone levels. By doing a full body workout, you indirectly work your complete midsection, even though you are not targeting your abdominals.

Keep it simple:

Stop wasting time concentrating on sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, and all those silly useless ‘Ab contraptions’, searching for that best Ab workout for belly fat loss. Instead focus on high intensity full body lifts using combination muti-joint exercises all advantageously combined into highly effective fat loss workouts. Combine that with a healthful diet full of natural unrefined whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and those elusive 6 pack Abs will be yours in no time!


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