Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement

A carbon monoxide detector is a gadget used to detect the presence of carbon monoxide, a lethal colorless and odorless compound, in the surroundings in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, which occurs when an excessive amount of carbon monoxide is inhaled. The detector sounds a warning alarm when it detects a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere so that the people in that area take the necessary measures to avoid the hazards of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is formed due to the incomplete combustion of fuels. At home, carbon monoxide can be formed by space heaters, water heaters or blocked chimneys. Therefore, every household should have a carbon monoxide detector to ensure that they are not exposed to the hazards of carbon monoxide.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors
The various types of carbon monoxide detectors available in the market range from battery operated ones to proper electric detectors requiring wall outlets. In biometric detectors, there is a hemoglobin disk in the alarm chamber. This disk darkens when it is exposed to carbon monoxide. The process is monitored by a LED sensor, which triggers the alarm as soon as the disk starts darkening. In semiconductor based carbon monoxide detectors, also known as MOS detectors, the levels of carbon monoxide are monitored by a computer chip within the unit and the alarm is triggered on continuous influx of carbon monoxide. Semiconductor based detectors come within a price tag of $50. Yet another type of detector is the safe air sentry, also known as electrolytic sensor detectors. This is the fastest acting carbon monoxide detector, that uses electro-chemical sensors to detect the changes in carbon monoxide levels.

Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement
Carbon monoxide detector placement is the most important aspect of using a carbon monoxide detector for home safety. You can either install a single carbon monoxide detector, ideal if you have a small house, or more than one detector, with each level having a separate piece, ideal for large multi-storied house. If you are installing a single piece for the entire house, the ideal location to install it would be in the area where you sleep. This idea is backed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). This will ensure that you hear the alarm and wake up even if you are in a deep slumber. Having additional detectors, one at each level or each room, is always advantageous considering it provides extra protection to your house. The specific gravity of carbon monoxide is 0.9657, while that of air is 1, which means both are roughly of the same weight. But often, carbon monoxide is accompanied by warm air let out by the appliances such as heaters, hence it tends to rise with the warm air. Therefore, it is ideal to place carbon monoxide detectors at a considerable height in the house. Never install carbon monoxide detector very close to fuel burning appliances. These appliances emit a small amount of carbon monoxide when they are started. Having a detector right above or besides the appliance can trigger the alarm on the release of this small amount of carbon monoxide. Also remember that the detector shouldn't be placed within a periphery of 15 feet of any cooking or heating appliances.

Carbon monoxide detectors came in various shapes and sizes. Electrolytic sensor detectors tend to be very costly, while biometric detectors and MOS detectors are relatively inexpensive. No matter which detector you buy, the most important factor is carbon monoxide detector placement. Just having the detectors is meaningless, as for effective working, these detectors should be planted at the right places. Air pollution, especially carbon monoxide poisoning, is a serious threat which can lead to grave health problems, and hence it's better to buy a carbon monoxide detector, rather than risking your family members face the ill-effects of carbon monoxide.


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