Common Mistakes That Are Made By Agents While Buying Insurance Leads

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Among the toughest thing to do in an insurance market is to find quality prospects that can do the sales on your behalf. No wonder then that you get to see so many companies and services willing to offer you with their insurance leads. As a matter of fact, the internet world is thriving on these prospects virtually every minute.If the recent report of an agency is anything to go by; there have been no less than 31 million queries in search engines for obtaining insurance quotes and over 142 million queries for insurance variations.So, the question that still lingers on is: Which company will suit you the best? Well, the answer to this question lies within you.But make sure you don’t make mistakes that are listed below.

1.There is no dearth of companies that claim to be providing the best leads available in the market. It is so easy to fall into such traps. The best companies are the ones that are willing to offer you with free leads that will help you evaluate them over a period of time and for no extra cost. Then there are other companies that are willing to offer you these services but with a number of conditions attached. So, as a customer, you need to watch out for these conditions before zeroing in on them.

2.The second most common mistake you might make is to get into a long term commitment with some companies that are willing to offer you with free leads. Some companies that allow you to have long term associations with them expect you to get the contract papers duly signed or make minimum amount of purchases. Until you are fully confident that the chosen insurance leads will reap in profits for you, you should not agree with such companies or try signing their contracts.

3.Chances are that you might be misled by leads options that claim to be exclusive in nature. So you need to be fully aware of this. There are companies in the market that sell exclusive leads and charge nothing less than 4 times as much as leads that are non-exclusive in nature. If practically this was possible, it would have eliminated any competition that would have existed and would have brought in profits for you. However, this is not the case with exclusive leads. You need to understand that these leads cannot fully control the customers that are present on internet. These are the customers who would love to shop around internet to find best prices for their insurance covers and so on. Hence, it is always better to spend your money and energy on those leads that will really offer you with quality service and performances.

4.Contrary to the case referred above, at the other end of spectrum are those that believe buying old insurance leads can improve their performance. However the reality is far from it. In most cases, these leads are no longer existent in the market or even if existent are not there to buy insurance covers. Hence, you need to stay away from them.


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