Indoor Air Pollutions Can be Minimized for Health

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Many people do not understand how dependent we are on the environment for our general health and well being. Realizing this dependence has lead to a greater number of people who attempt to maintain an eco-friendly lifestyle. You can make a small number of changes to your everyday habits that will save you money and will be better for the environment. You can also trim down the quantity of indoor air pollution in your home, improving your health.

No matter how spotless and vigilant you are, the fact is that air pollution still exists right inside your home. Microbial contaminants, carbon monoxide, asbestos fibers, and carbon dioxide are only a few of the common indoor air pollution culprits. Air pollution is a fact of life, but you can take measures to lessen the amount of contaminants in your home.

The types of contaminants that are the microbial variety are made up of mold and bacteria. Adjusting your cleaning techniques can reduce the amount of bacteria in your home. The best way to prevent mold is to be aware of the potential for mold, and to be diligent in trying to avert growth. If you keep your home's humidity level at fifty percent, you can reduce the amount of mold that is able to grow indoors. Also, make sure your house is well ventilated. A home with stagnant air will allow many kinds of microbial contaminants to thrive. Another way to make sure mold is reduced as much as possible is to eliminate all types of water leaks from your home. Without a damp, humid place to grow, mold cannot flourish.

Another type of contaminant that you can manage is carbon monoxide. You can reduce the presence by using environmentally friendly cleaners. These types of cleaners will work just as well as the old types of cleaners without leaving potentially unsafe chemical remains that will pollute your home. Also, if you are a smoker or have friends or family members that smoke, it is a good idea to keep this activity outside. Smoking inside of a home can raise carbon monoxide levels. Have a professional check your heating system as well to make sure that it is not leaking carbon monoxide. If you dwell in a house where you need a space heater, pick a space heater that is electric with wiring that is functional. Space heaters are one of the most common sources of carbon monoxide indoors.

This gas commonly makes an entrance into your home through the garage door from your automobile exhaust. Make sure that the door from your house to the garage has a tight seal. You may even consider minimizing the amount of time that your vehicle is left to run inside the garage as well without sufficient ventilation.

Asbestos fibers are only an issue in buildings that predate 1979. If this describes your home, you need to have a professional check your property to make sure that the asbestos has already been removed. The asbestos fibers are a carcinogen so they are not safe to be around. Both flooring materials and paint can have asbestos materials in them. If your home is found to have asbestos in it, you'll have to employ a professional to remove it. Removing asbestos yourself can cause health problems for you and your family. Taking these steps will result in an atmosphere that is both more environmentally friendly and healthier for you and your family.


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