Isotretinoin and Inflammatory Diseases

Monday, September 27, 2010

Isotretinoin is the chemical name of the compound that is used in many acne medications on the market today. The compound is a retinoid, which means that its structure is similar to that of Vitamin A and therefore has many properties characteristic of Vitamin A. Specifically, it reduces the production of skin oils that can lead to acne. By lowering their production, isotretinoin can also help to reduce the incidence of acne. It has since been marketed in the U.S. and abroad as an effective acne medication that helps to clear the skin.

Potential Side Effects

While isotretinoin is advertised mainly as an acne drug, it may also have other unintended effects. Since its development and release in the 1980s, many people who have taken forms of isotretinoin have reported some serious side effects, namely, long-lasting inflammatory diseases. Some of the potential side effects of the drug include:

  • Crohn's Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Birth Defects
  • Depression

While some patients report only short-lived effects after taking the drug, for others the unintended ailments are long-lasting or even permanent. Inflammatory diseases are extremely painful and can have a severe effect on a person's sense of well being and quality of life. If you or someone you know has taken isotretinoin and has experienced any of the above illnesses, you or your loved one may be suffering from a side effect of the drug. It is important to report your symptoms to your physician as soon as possible to determine the best course for treatment and to minimize long-term damage.


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