Love your Hair and It Will Love You Back

Monday, October 18, 2010

If You Love, you will receive love in return. It's true with our hair too.
It's interesting to note that we spend billions of dollars every year on hair gels, foams, sticky conditioners, and oils that are suppose to treat our hair.
And while we spend billions of dollars, we really know very little about our hair and hair production. Even less know about the anatomy of a hair follicle. Once the basics are understood, it's easy to see why should consider taking a different approach altogether for our hair care.
Our hair follicles are the tube like structure that contains the factory that maintains the production and health of our hair. At the factory base, is a projection, much like a pencil head that pushes into the base - which is called the papilla.
The papilla contains the small capillaries that feed the hair cells. The actual living hair resides in the "bulb," where the hair cells are continuously dividing. And important ingredient is the nutrients reach the bulb to keep it optimally performing.
The actual follicle is surrounded by two sheaths - yes, think of them like thin layers that protect and shape the follicle. The inner sheath runs alongside the hair until it reaches the sebaceous glad - this glad provides the oils that provide the luster to the hair. The outer sheath continues along the hair shaft until it reaches the skin. (FYI - there is also a muscle call the pili muscle that attaches to the outer sheath, which is used when the hair "stands up."
The hair - or the shaft, is essentially made up of dead, hard protein called keratin, which has three layers. The inner layer is called the medulla, the second layer is the cortex, and the outer layer is called the cuticle. The cortex makes up the heart of the hair shaft, where the pigment is distributed causing the hair to form color. The cuticle is the outer portion, which looks like scales or shingles backed densely. Most conditioners try to affect the cuticle or outer layer.
Now, even though we have done a great job and conditioning the cuticle. Shouldn't we consider a different approach to maximizing the health of our hair? How about an approach that supplies the essential ingredients for optimal cell division, or healthy hair bulbs? How about nutritional support that stimulates the health of the two hair sheaths that are vital to our overall hair health.
Our diet is essential in the look and feel of our hair at the very basic level, yet we have yet to really discover this because we often lack the basic knowledge of something so essential to our daily grooming. Unfortunately, we only pay attention to the thing we can see. Yet, true healthy hair doesn't originate or end at the out cuticle level. Rather, it begins at the foundation of optimal performance by the Papilla delivering much needed essentials for excellent hair cell division.
Yet, there are a few key supplements out there that provide such support. Investing in your hair with a relatively inexpensive supplement can go a long way to the overall health, look, and feel of your hair.
You should consider trying Alpha Renew, one of the best fortifying supplement currently being produced.


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