Analysis of Train Accidents

Monday, September 27, 2010

When we visualize a train, a comfortable and safe journey comes to our mind. We make use of this popular mode of transport whenever we have to cover large distances and also because it is cheaper than traveling by air. It is almost like a picnic when traveling by train, and kids enjoy it the most. Over the last few years, with technological advances, the average speeds of trains have gone up considerably, and sadly, so have the number of train accidents. Train accidents are the worst kind of auto accidents, as with their mass and the speed with which they are traveling, they cause heavy destruction whenever there is a train accident. One has to see the site of an accident to see the trail of destruction it causes. It involves a lot of casualties and there is collateral damage of property as well.

It is difficult to imagine why an accident would happen in the first place. As logic they point out that there is nothing in the way of a train as it is running on a special track. They are right, but they forget that trains are being run after all by humans, and in a study conducted to analyze the causes of train accidents revealed that in majority of cases, human error and lapses were the major reasons behind train accidents.

These accidents cause havoc whenever they occur, and this is because of the loss of lives and the damage of property. Administration is obviously worried, and wishes to put a brake on these train accidents, as not only is there so much of loss, a huge compensation has to be paid to all those who die in these accidents and also to those who suffer from personal injury.

Major factors behind a train accident
As described above, the most prominent reason of train accident is human error. This can be prevented if the duty of the drivers is made a little easier by arranging their schedule accordingly. Often drivers have to work overnight which causes a lapse in concentration. They are often guilty of driving while under the influence of alcohol. This reduces their level of concentration and leads to an accident. Drivers need to be made to realize that they are responsible for the safety of hundreds of passengers.

Maintenance and regular checkup of the equipment and the tracks is another important factor upon which the safety of a train depends. A slight mistake and it may result in an accident which is gigantic in nature and causes a huge loss of life and property. Hence it is imperative to carry out periodic check up of all the equipment and the tracks for any irregularities. Mechanical failure is really unpardonable and must be avoided at all costs

In some parts, terror activities are going on. These terrorists find trains an easy and soft target and their subversive activities are responsible for many train accidents. A constant and large scale vigil and surveillance is necessary to avert any such mishap.


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