Brain Injuries Affect Whole Families

Monday, September 27, 2010

Of all the injuries, brain injuries can certainly be said to be worst as they involve long and costly treatment. This is not all as a person may never be normal again. In some cases, the victim goes into a coma or becomes a virtual vegetable and cannot take care of himself at all. This is a double blow to the families of the victims as they suffer from income loss and also have to take care of the patients. Brain injuries take place whenever there is a strong impact on the head which causes the brain tissues to either swell or rupture.

It is the human brain which is responsible for the understanding of the surroundings, the relations and orientation. Brain injury hampers with all activities as the brain cells start behaving abnormally and the victim is not aware of the situation and his surroundings. His world goes for a tail spin and he cannot comprehend what is going around.

Brain injuries may be broadly classified into two types. This injury is said to have taken place when the brain, which is encapsulated in the skull bangs against it from inside. Open brain injury is one when an external object strikes the skull or a hard object gets pierced in the skull and damages the brain tissues. Both the types of injuries are equally traumatic and have severe consequences for the victim.

The most common cause s is auto accident, and even among these it is motorcycle accidents with riders not wearing helmets which suffer these brain injuries the most. It is the kids and the teens that go out on a motorcycle without helmets on their heads that are most vulnerable.

Sometimes, there are no visible signs of any injury to the head after the accident, but after a few days, the victim starts to behave abnormally and it is then that he is diagnosed as suffering from a brain injury. This is because the brain tissues swell or rupture after some time which leads the patient to behave differently. There are millions of such accidents every year around the world where the patient suffers from a brain injury. Of these, those which doctors classify as traumatic are the most debilitating as the patient is totally impaired. The quality of life of the victim suffers badly and he can truly be said to be a human being only in a broad term.

Human brain is so formed that it cannot take a strong blow and when this happens, oxygen supply to the brain cells is disrupted and they start to behave abnormally. It is through our brain that we make sense of our world and so when an injury to the brain takes place, our entire world goes topsy-turvy and we cannot make out anything in our surroundings.

If the brain injury takes place at the workplace, the victim is entitled to compensation from the company he works for, and as such it is prudent to take advice of a brain injury attorney.


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