Burn Injuries Cause Severe Pain

Monday, September 27, 2010

Accidents resulting in burn injuries are very common indeed and during the last few years, they are second only to auto accidents across the country. However, many of these injuries are not severe and can be treated at home. Only a fraction of these need medical attention when the injury is severe and the victim must be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible. Also, there is a risk of infection which is may prove dangerous later on. As such proper medical care is necessary whenever a person receives burn injuries.

Contrary to popular belief burn injuries are not limited to those resulting from fire, and many other injuries caused by electric shock, chemicals, friction, radiation etc. are also classified under the broad term of burn injuries. It is imperative to give first aid to the victim before rushing to the nearest medical facility. There are a lot of things that are necessary if there is a case of this injury in front of you. If fire is still blazing, the victim needs to be covered with a wet blanket to douse the fire and to limit the severity of injury to him. But it is not advisable in case fire is too much to handle and you would do well to call the fire department to save the victim.

If you find that some foreign particles like plastic or clothing has stuck on the body of the victim, do not try to remove it by force as this will cause more pain and suffering to the victim and may prove costly. It is for the doctor to decide on the degree of injury. Usually doctors classify burn injuries in degrees. This is done to decide on the course of treatment.

If you feel that the injury is not severe, you can treat the person at home. You can use wet towels to soak the burns with very cold water which is helpful in these circumstances. But never wipe the burns as it may damage the skin. After cooling the skin with wet towel, allow the skin to dry under a fan. There are many burn ointments and antibiotic ointments available in the market which can be applied on burn injuries so as to relieve the person.

After the burns have cooled off in air, apply dry and sterile pads over them and then use the bandage in a soft manner to wrap the burn injuries. You must give some pain relievers to the victim to alleviate the pain which is most severe after such an incident.

If however, a person suffers an accident of this nature at the workplace, he should consult a burn injury lawyer so as to file a case for settlement or compensation, which he is liable for if the attorney can prove that the victim suffered personal injury because of some other person or any fault of the machinery or equipment being used. Burn injuries can be very painful and a person may have to be out of work for quite some time. In such cases, it is this compensation that helps him a lot.


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