Natural Breast Enhancement Herbs You Should Know About

Monday, October 18, 2010

Many women who do not have naturally large breasts try different methods to enlarge them. Most of them use various natural breast enhancement supplements to get firm, large and healthy breasts. Many women who use these supplements are those who do not wish to undergo the breast augmentation surgery.

These supplements are usually sold on the market in the form of creams, pills, or natural hormones. They are less costly and painless solutions used for breast enlargement. Although many women claim to have achieved positive results, it is always better to do some research or consult your doctor before using these products. There are various types of such products on the market where neither the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the Better Business Bureau has found that these products produced good results. According to the FDA, however, many are useful to strengthen the muscles of the breasts. However, people still continue to use the untested products for achieving the desired results.

Another form of natural breast enhancement is the use of different herbs and plants. They contain properties which resemble hormones. One of the most important ingredients used for breast enlargement is saw palmetto. The herb is also widely used to treat benign prostate enlargement in Europe. Though it has been claimed that it can successfully increase breast size, the effects of the herb on women and their organs have not been clearly understood. The following are some of the commonly used herbs for breast augmentation.

Fenugreek is an herb with medicinal properties making it a useful ingredient in medical and therapeutic products. The components included are used for internal and external purposes. The high percentage of mucilage makes the herb an essential ingredient. It contains about 40% mucilage. The breast milk from mothers who take fenugreek has low fat and cholesterol content.

Fennel is an aromatic herb most commonly used in different foods. The herb was also used to cure digestion problems in the past. Fennel is fragrant and is used to promote the body's metabolism. The oil components present in fennel trigger the secretion of digestive enzymes useful for the body. Nursing mothers can use fennel to enhance milk production for the child.

Blessed thistle is also known as spotted thistle or holy thistle. It is used as an herbal cure for many kinds of ailments like pain, indigestion, gynecological discomforts, diarrhea, cancer, and liver ailments. The herb is also known to enhance lactation and breasts.

Other important herbs used for natural breast enhancement include dong quai, dandelion, watercress, saw palmetto, red clover and wild yam.


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